
What do I do and what have I done?

This blog was initially started when I was in university as a place to publish solutions for various Capture The Flag (CTF) and wargames challenges. Now serves as place to publish my research, thought leadership articles, and articles about the tools I release. Expect a lot of wireless and Active Directory (AD) content.

Over 10 years of penetration testing, red team and purple teaming experience in my current role as a principal security consultant at a Cyber Security Firm. My current role includes operating as a service offering lead for the purple teaming, and restricted environment breakout testing (and the wireless penetration testing previously) service offerings.

Disclaimer: The thoughts and opinions are my own and not views of my employer.

How to approach me

My resources


The best way to contact me about issues or bugs encountered with wireless tooling is to raise a issue ticket in the affected tool’s GitHub repo. For all other communication, email directly or DM on twitter.

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